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mineral fertilizer 無機肥料。

mineral jelly

This approach seeks to use various sources of plant nutrients , mineral fertilizers , organic manures , crop residues and biological nitrogen fixation for each farm ' s cropping system and offers the farmers the best opportunity for sustainability while protecting the environment and conserving the resources 這一方法,為每個農場的種植制度尋求利用各種植物養分資源,諸如礦質肥料、有機肥料、作物殘體和生物固氮,并且在保護環境和資源的同時,給農民提供更好的持續發展生產的機會。

Topdressing fertilizers for swelling of kernels are manufactured at ambient temperature from organo - mineral fertilizers in the double - roll granulator without any drying , thereby giving full play to the characteristics of high nutrient content and quick fertilizer effect of mineral fertilizers as well as exploiting the advantages of soil amelioration and lasting fertilizer effect of the organic matter 以無機有機肥料為原料,采用對輥式造粒機無干燥工藝于常溫下生產花生膨果追施肥,既可充分發揮無機肥養分含量高、肥效快的特點,又可發揮有機質改善土壤性能、肥效長的優點。

Unless economic conditions encourage farmers to invest in mineral fertilizers , soil degradation ( figure 1 ) may be expected , threatening the ability of communities to feed themselves in the future 除非經濟條件鼓勵農民對礦質肥料投資,否則就會造成土壤退化,而威脅民眾未來糧食自給的能力(圖1 ) 。

Influence of different ratio of organic and mineral fertilizers on soil improvement and citrus growth 有機無機肥配施對培肥幼齡果園土壤與柑桔生長結果的影響

Compound mineral fertilizers . homogeneity of a batch . inspection method 礦物復合肥料.一批量的均質性